Callisburg Water and Sewer services this area with four water wells and over 110 miles of waterline.  City sewer is only available to residents who live inside the city limits. 


Bills are due the 15th of each month. Bills are considered past due on the 16th of the month and are assessed a 10% late. Water service will be cut off and a $50.00 disconnect fee will be charged if the account balance is not paid in full before the 23rd of the month. The account balance plus the disconnect fee must be paid in full before water service will be reconnected.

Reconnect payments must be paid with cash, money order, credit or debit card.


We accept cash, check, money orders and credit or debit cards. You can mail your bill, bring it into the office, drop it off in the drop box, pay with credit or debit card by phone, sign up for automatic payment, or you can view your utility bill and pay online with PayClix.


Water Connection Fee (for 3/4" or 1" meter) - $3,000.00
Fee charged for each new water connection (based on 3/4" or 1" meter) and is in addition to the water tapping fee described below. Any meter larger than 1" will pay the difference in meter cost.

Water Tap Fees - $1,200.00
Fee charged to tap the water main and set a meter. You are not purchasing the water meter. You are responsible for laying and maintaining the water line from the meter to your house. Anyone applying for a water tap where an extension to the City's main water line would be required must get approval from the Callisburg City Council and follow the City's exact specifications for water lines. Line extensions are to be paid for in full by the owner. All road crossings are required to be bored and will be at the owner's expense - and must be performed by a licensed contractor and made during regular business hours so that the City's representative can inspect.

Water Deposit - $200.00
A $200.00 deposit is required of property owners who wish to establish water service.

Sewer Connection Fee (for 3/4" or 1" meter) - $1,700.00
Fee charged for each new sewer connection.  You are responsible for having a licensed plumber make the actual sewer tap and connection from the City's main sewer line to your house, as well as the maintenance of that line.

Water Rates                                      
$20.00 Base Rate ¾” meter inside City                       
$25.00 Base Rate ¾” meter outside City        
$  4.50 per thousand 0 – 5,000 gallons                       
$  5.00 per thousand 5,001 – 10,000 gallons  
$  5.50 per thousand 10,001 – 20,000 gallons
$  6.00 per thousand 20,001 – 30,000 gallons
$  6.50 per thousand 30,001 – 40,000 gallons
$  7.00 per thousand 40,001 – 50,000 gallons
$  7.50 per thousand 50,001 and above   

Sewer Rates (Residential Only ¾”meter)
$20.00 inside City
$25.00 outside City, where available
First 2,000 gallons included in base rate
$2.50 per thousand 2,001 – 15,000 gals

Sewer Rates (Non-Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional)
Rates same as Residential with No Maximum

The minimum monthly charge will be charged each month to any account where a water meter is installed, even if there is no water usage during the month.

Water & Sewer Base Rate Fees are based on size of meter
Inside City – ¾” $20.00    1” $40.00        2” $135.00
Outside City – ¾” $25.00    1” $46.00  2” $159.00 (Hydrant/Construction meter lease/fees by separate contract)

Re-Service Fee
On property where service previously existed, the City shall charge the Re-Service Fee of $500.00, Water Deposit, any delinquent charges left on the account, and any other applicable costs necessary to restore service.

Disconnection Fee - $50.00
Fee charged to any delinquent account that is disconnected.  Customers requesting after hours or weekend reconnections will be charged $100.00 instead of the standard $50.00 fee charged to accounts which are reconnected before 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday.

Labor Charge - $150.00 per hour
Hourly charge for any after hours or weekend repairs to water or sewer service caused by the customer.

Water Meter Tampering Fee - To be determined by the City
Fee charged for water meter tampering including any unauthoried turning on of a meter previously turned off by the City. Customers will also be charged for any damages to City property that are the result of said tampering. These fees will be based on actual cost.

Transfer of Service Fee - $50.00
Transfer of service will have a $50.00 non-refundable transfer fee, which will be paid by the new owner. The previous owner will be responsible for the final bill prior to transferring service. The previous owner will need to contact our office and set up a date for the final reading and to sign a transfer agreement over to the new owner. If the transfer is required due to the death of an account holder, the City will transfer the account into the name of an immediate family member at no charge.

Research Fee - $300.00
Fee charged for research of an increase in water usage. Examples includes but not limited to Data log performed on meter endpoint.

Developers Fee - To be determined by the City
Fee charged to perform assessment and issuance of a Will-Serve agreement.

All customers inside the City of Callisburg city limits must obtain the correct permits prior to new service being established. Please contact the City Secretary about the permit requirements.

Return Check Fee - $30.00